Loan words:
"ページ and スタート are the words loeaned from english words"page and start". I think it is very easy to find japanese use english to replace . For example, お仕事スタートcan be use お仕事始めます to express the idea but why they still use "start" to replace? I think it is because english word is more shorter and is very cool to use english other than janpanese.
emphasized words:
"ウチら”, " アンタ”
Actually, in these example we can use hinagana to write in the normal situation . However,the comic would like to emphasize the feeling expression of the character, so it write as a katakana.
The comic also shows a lot of onomatopoeia.ドンis the sound of knocking and パチパチ means the sounds of typing.If we use katakana to describe onomatopoeia, it can bring some movement and increase the atmosphere.
names of foreigners and foreign places:
almost of the english name and countries are written by katakana.
we still have lots of way to use katakana, but i think those four reasons i mentoned above is the most important .
Every countries have different ways to express their feeling in internet or writing. And i think kaomonji is the most popular way in japan internet. In the web page"niconico douga", some internet artist would like to use the only one kaomonji to represent themselve. i can say that kaomonji is one of the japanese culture which hong kong teenager would like to imitate because they think it is so cool ,just like why japanese teenager love using english.
such as the below example:ピω゚コ,。(赤・ω・飯),(・`ェ´・),('◉◞⊖◟◉` ),(`●w●´)
回覆刪除This is a great analysis of Japanese characters.
I love you mentioned about kaomoji.
So, people in Hong Kong use Japanese kaomoji?
回覆刪除I think that Japanese kaomoji is very fantastic.
It is very complicated and it can express many different types of facial expression.
People in Hong Kong just use very simple kaomoji such as =.=, XD and ^^
趣味が同じだから、嵐ちゃんの書くものはとても親切だよ~ XD
回覆刪除thx for sharing.
回覆刪除i think the choice of use between katakana or hiragana also depends on whether it is used formally.
for formal usage.
仕事を始めますmay be prefered to 仕事をスタートします^^
回覆刪除>seo sen
teenagers in h.k seldom use japanese kaomonji because some symbol are difficult to enter.But they are still learning how to use it.Just like what eddy mentioned, kaomonji can express a lot of facial expression. So, the number of using japanese kaomonji is incresing.